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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  September 23, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning and welcome to "this week." caught on tape. >> the 47% who are with him who believe that they are victims. so my job is not to worry about those people. >> the leaked video rocked the romney campaign. >> it's not elegantly stated. let me put it that way. >> if you want to be president, you have to work for everybody. >> the candidate tries to limit the damage. >> he has to get points back. he's behind in points. >> romney's senior advisers are fighting. not on the same page. >> how do you turn this thing around? >> it doesn't need a turnaround. now 44 days from the final vote, the big questions, can romney reboot his campaign? will his september slump hurt republican chances to take back the senate and hold the house? and can president seize the opening without stumbling himself?
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we'll ask our headliners, the chair of the republican national committee reince priebus. and david axelrod. plus, full debate and analysis with our powerhouse roundtable. squaring off, nicolle wallace, melody barnes, ann coulter, robert reich and jorge ramos. hello again. with just over six weeks to go, it's safe to say that mitt romney can't afford another one like his last. from inside the account of political dysfunction that broke sunday night, to electrical problem that grounded ann romney's plane on friday, nothing seemed to go right. and running mate paul ryan fielded a question from griping from republican insiders. >> there will always be critics.
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but guess what, i have rarely seen a moment where the man and the moment have met so well. >> president obama pounded away at romney's private thoughts on that 47% in wisconsin. >> we can't get very far if we're just writing off half the country. as a bunch of victims. or presume that somehow they want to be dependent on government or don't want to take responsibility for their own lives. >> and with that, let's get right to our headliners david axelrod from the obama campaign and the reince priebus. reince, let me begin with you. thank you. president obama, you saw him yesterday, voters are going to be hearing about that leaked video every single day. >> well, i mean, listen, i think governor romney has been pretty clear, probably wasn't the best-said moment in the campaign and probably not the best week in the campaign.
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but i will say that i think we can look back at last week as a campaign in a couple of months, that this was the defining week in both campaigns, where i think both campaigns are crystallizing around a central theme which is going to be, what kind of future do we want for our kids and grandkids? what type of america do we want for this country? do we want the cradle to grave, life of julia, obama care, we'll take care of you from preschool to death america, or do we want sort of a return to, you know, opportunity, liberty, freedom, you know, the type of america where, when i grew up, here in wisconsin, that my dad would point to a house as a union electrician, a nice house, you know what guy, if you go to school and work hard you're going to live in that house. >> let me interrupt, you liked the choice that was presented to voters last week? >> no.
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here's what i would say, i think that it's an important question, and i think the question presented to this question and the question that will be presented, isn't so much, we can take about whether people are better off today than they were four years ago, and clearly we're not, but i think this more important question is, what type of america, and whether our kids are going to be better off 4, 10, 20 years from today and the policies that barack obama are putting in place, we have seen an enormous growth of people that are dependent on government. that's just a fact. i don't think that's the type of america that we want for our kids and grandkids. i think that's an important question and that's an important question that should be presented to the america people and barack obama has made everything worse, george. >> you know there are chorus of
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republican critics out this week as well, and none more forceful than peggy noonan in the wall street journal, she said, it's time to admit that the romney campaign is an incompetent one. it's not big. it's not brave. it's not thoughtfully tackling great issues. it's always been too small for the moment. she amended that in a saturday column. she said that it was just being polite. is romney in denial? she said that it's a rolling calamity. we know that governor romney has said that his campaign doesn't need a turnaround. >> no, i don't think so i george, and quite frankly, think peggy noonan is really smart. i read both of those columns. i think where we're at as a movement and conservatives and people who are really worried about growth of government in this country, i respect and admire people that get very concerned and, even if they're upset about, you know, something that happened in a campaign, or
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if the week needs to be better, like last week, because i think this is a different kind of campaign. i can guarantee you that all of the people that we're talking to here in wisconsin, we're worried about the future of this country. the leeway given on our side of the aisle, is very small to likes of peggy noonan and other writers, who like, we need to be ahead and we need to be pounding away. i agree. i think we had a good week last week. in retrospect, we were able to frame up the debate last week in the sense of what future do we want and do you want out there for your kids and grandkids and clearly, things aren't going well in this country. >> even your governor, though, chairman priebus, scott walker, republican governor of wisconsin, has said that governor romney has to be much more bold and specific in laying out this case and he
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wants to unleash paul ryan, the congressman from wisconsin as well, thinks that the whole romney campaign has to be more in the ryan playbook, has to be putting out more bold and specific ideas, is he right? >> well, i don't think he quite said it that way. george, i know that he said that months ago. he's not right as we see here today. the fact of the matter is -- >> you used the words bold and specific this week. >> listen, i'll tell you about specifics. first of all, mitt romney talks all the time about reducing gdp, reducing small business taxes. from 35% to 20%. reducing income taxes across the board by 20%. for crying out loud, we got paul ryan on the ticket. there can't be anything more specific than a budget that we passed to get ahold of the debt window, the deficits that are out of control, that the president promised that he would fix. as far as specifics go, we're the only ones talking about
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save medicare. president raided medicare by $700 billion. we got specifics coming out of our eyeballs, george, and so, i just think that we need to keep pounding away on those specifics and keep talking about those specifics so that the american people know, because, i think that people out there have made up their minds that clearly this president didn't fulfill the promises and the mission that he laid out four years ago, and now, over the next 46 days, we have to lay out to the american people, not just we need to start having people in office that commit to the promises that they make, but we need to lay out the vision and lay out the specifics as we are doing but more clearly, and more consistently, on a daily basis. we have to win the day and win the mission on a daily basis. >> couple nor quick questions -- governor romney put out his tax returns, 2011 tax return on friday, the obama campaign said that romney continues to fail the test of full disclosure,
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your response? >> i think it's totally bogus. they have given away over 30% of their income to charity. the romneys -- we mentioned that i'm in wisconsin today, lot of communities have families that are extraordinarily generous, they're the ones that show up and save the symphony, they help build a wing in a library. the romneys have been successful, but they also have been the types of people in the community that we thank god through their generosity. and their kind hearts. that's a narrative that needs to get out there, these are kind, compassionate, extraordinarily generous people. for barack obama to play this small ball game when he has a disaster overseas in the middle east and northern africa, we've got a disaster in the economy in this country, and somehow, this
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president thinks he entitled for four more years. i think he should worry about intelligence briefings and getting the economy back on track. instead of debate prep and interviews with, you know, meetings with jay-z and beyonce. >> i want to ask you about the chances of republicans in the senate. it seems like the chances are far less than they were just a few months ago. your own senate candidate in wisconsin said that romney campaign may be holding back his own chances as well. two questions, are you still convinced that the gop can win in the senate? that todd akin is going to be the senate candidate in missouri, does he have the full backing of the republican party? >> well, i mean, the second one first, we're not going to play in missouri with todd akin, i can tell you that. yet to be seen whether he stays in or not. as far as the first question, i'm very confident that we can take the senate.
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i know that tommy is going to win here in wisconsin. he's like a legend. like harley davidson, miller lite, he's a brand, he ice going to win. you go to nebraska, north dakota, four, you hold scott brown, we haven't talked about what's happening in virginia, ohio, florida, i feel very good about it. and i would keep an eye on hawaii. we have great opportunities. we're going to win this race because people know that we need a better future for this country. so far, the last four years have been a disaster. >> reince priebus, thank you for your time this morning. >> all right, thank you, george. the obama campaign, david axelrod here with us. you heard chairman priebus right there. last week a defining week for the campaign. a good week for the republican campaign. >> well, i don't know what prism he's looking through, i don't think anybody else would define it was a good week. it was an enlightening week. the week began with romney
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slandering 47% of american saying they're hooked on dependency. didn't pay their taxes and so on. at the end of the week we saw him manipulating his own tax returns to plump up his portion to taxes to 14%. >> you're talking about not taking the charitable deductions. >> right, two months ago on your own air, he said that anybody who didn't take the deductions they were owed weren't qualified to be president. i guess he's not qualified. that's exactly what he did last week to get his number up to 14%. lot of those 47% that he was slandering earlier in the week probably pay more -- pay a higher percentage their income in taxes. look, i think that it's -- it's important that -- i mean, we did learn some things from these tax returns. noigs the rate he pays. we understood that the guy who goes around america saying that he's going to bash china, the
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guy who says let's believe in america, put his money in a fund that hedges against american treasuries. roots for failure of american treasuries. so, you know, we learned some things. he still hasn't disclosed any years before 2010. his father was the one who set the standard, 12 years, and you know why, you put one or two years, you can manipulate them to give false impressions. the question for people is, why? george, the bigger issue that he's not being straight about his own taxes, the bigger issue is what he's going to do with everybody else's taxes. the tax cut that governor romney has proposed, no specifics on how he would pay for that tax cut. $2 trillion in new defense spending. no specifics on how he's going to pay for that. he's either going to explode the deficit.
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sock it to the middle class. or both. >> unemployment rose or remain the same in 38 states last month. huge problem for the president. >> well, look, the country has come through a difficult time, george, we know that. we have had this discussion before. we have come a long way since losing 800,000 jobs. we have had 30 straight months of job growth. but this is ongoing project. the question is, for the country right now, is the answer to go back to trickle-down economics? a $5 trillion unpaid tax cut skewed to the wealthy. deregulation of wall street, the same script we played through in the last decade, or are we going to keep moving forward to rebuild this economy and rebuild the middle class? >> the romney campaign will remind people about obama's failures. a new ad out this morning, based on this book,
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looking back at the debt limit crisis last year, bob woodward's book, here's the ad. >> during stimulus negotiation barack obama pulled his democratic leadership team, harry reid, nancy pelosi, and as president obama spoke, nancy pelosi hit the mute button, went on with their meeting, ignoring the president, not even listening to what he said. if he can't lead his own party, how can he lead america? >> president obama's failed the test of leadership. >> first of all, nancy pelosi has denied that incident. the larger point is this, george, i read today that the romney campaign said they're going to double down on their attacks on the president. i don't think the problem hasn't been that they haven't attacked the president. it's not about them tearing down the president. they haven't offered ideas about how they're going to lift up the country. until they do that, i think the american people are going to reject him. the most interesting poll in the last week, came from the state of massachusetts, governor romney, the state he governed six years ago, he's 30
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points behind. what a harsh judgment from the people who know him best. >> one final question, you talked about the polls. in the gallup poll, it shows a tied race. >> we always said that it was going to be a close race. structurally. the way politicses are set up in our country. we knew that it was going to be a close race. we're prepared for a close race. i'm not going to get into the nuances of individual polls. some have us much farther ahead, narrowly ahead. we're prepared for a close race. we're going to work every day until november 6th, because as chairman priebus said a lot is at stake in the future. >> david axelrod, thank you. coming up -- powerhouse roundtable weighs in all of the week's politics. president obama, what are you doing? your poll numbers are looking great. your opponent is in flames. i haven't heard joe biden's name in months which is great. yet, you come out and say, i can't change washington from the inside. i thought we were in charge of
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roundtable coming right up after this from our abc
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we got our asses kicked in the first quarter. but it's time to get up off the mat. i'm going to talk to the staff. >> you have a strategy? >> i have a beginning one. >> what is it?
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>> i'm going to try that. listen up. that ground game isn't working. we're going to put the ball in the air. if we're going to walk into walls, i want us running into them full speed. we're going to lose some of these battles and we might even lose the white house. but we're not going to be threatened by issues. we're going to put them front and center. we're going to raise the level of public debate in this country. and let that be our legacy. >> little vintage "west wing" right there, inside the romney war rooms, getting the same kind of advice, more mitt. let mitt be mitt. george will off today. we're joined by republican strategist, former obama adviser melody barnes. jorge ramos of univision, what a week you have had. ann coulter is back again. thank you for coming in. author of a new book out this week "mugged." also robert reich, former labor
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secretary for president clinton. your book is now out in paperback. thanks for all coming in right now. nicolle, let me begin with you, you heard chairman priebus right there, overall defining week for the romney campaign. we hear that they're going to have a more intense strategy going forward. governor romney saying no turnaround necessary. >> look, i talked to about a half folks inside the romney campaign and they see things the way we see things. republicans on the outside have angst in two very distinct categories, they have angst with the candidate himself. they reveals with his comment of 47 . shows a misunderstanding that nobody receiving public assistance wants to be receiving public assistance. the other category of angst that republicans on the outside have, is about the campaign itself, and i think that this is really
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a time testing for both the candidate. >> from inside the campaign, if you could laid out in two, three points, what is their strategy? >> they need to stop being hostage to the news cycle. so, they will admit that they need to get out of the gaffe-prone narrative that they seem to be hostage in. the other thing that they understand, that they need to start doing, is to drive a message of their own. >> right. meanwhile, bob reich, what a lot of democrats took away from that video that came out on monday in some ways romney was attacking his own base in that 47%. >> absolutely. george, it was a devastating video, also because it confirmed the democrat story about romney that he's an elitist, he's out of touch. he doesn't know what more than
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half of america is up to. but, what struck me most isn't so much the content of that video but the way in which romney presented himself, romney is somebody that we don't know who he is, this kind of notion that -- in that video, he comes forward as compassion. that passion and that commitment is about elitism. it's not about caring for most americans. >> ann? >> i wished they showed the real romney. i couldn't disagree with both of them. i think what most americans heard was 47% of americans don't pay taxes. everyone at this table may know that. but most americans don't know that. >> federal income taxes. >> right, that's what he said. for people to find out that the 47% of americans aren't paying income taxes, only he's explaining to donors. this wasn't a campaign speech,
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he's saying, our low tax message isn't going to resonate with people that don't pay taxes. when you play the actual clip, i don't think him being elitist, it's him explaining to donors why he can't get 47%. >> ann, it was so disdaining. >> then, let's play it. these descriptions in the media are so much worse. msnbc keep describing it, but won't show it. >> we did see it. and i think it was shockingly bad politics. what's underneath it, as bob was saying, is divisive. on top of that, the next president is going to have to continue to make big decisions on the deficit. what mitt romney displayed is a lack of understanding of the real lives of a lot of people, of seniors, of students, of
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people in the military, and yet, we're going to trust him to make decisions about their lives, for those who aren't, they're the child tax credit. a whole number of reasons that the working poor are paying taxes. or their tax rate is quite low. >> jorge? >> i think it's a defining moment in the campaign. who's the real mitt romney? the one who said that he didn't need to worry about the 47%. or at a univision meeting, he said that he wanted to be the president for the 100%. back in february, in an interview with cnn, he also said that he wasn't concerned about the very poor. he has to get out of that box, or otherwise -- >> he said that he didn't have to care about them in terms of appealing -- directing his campaign toward them. of course, obama doesn't have to worry about, you know, the base republican voters. he doesn't have to worry about pro-lifers.
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he's explaining to donors that these voters aren't going to be responding from the low tax -- will not respond to a low-tax message. once he gets president, exactly, as nicolle said, we think, republican policies as happened under reagan will list all of those. and make the poor much better off. he was speaking to donors. i don't that hurt him. that was the highlight for most people. yes, we believe that republican policies help the poor and democratic policies hurt the poor. >> republicans, i think, are at their best when they're able to take their message and present themselves and they truly believe that they're running for the vote of every group. to have the candidate serving as his own pollster is always alarming as a campaign staffer. >> this video can't be separated
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from the romney/ryan budget which cuts dramatically taxes for the very wealthy, and also, at the same time, cuts programs that the average and poor americans depend on. that's the underlining story here. >> this is nothing new for the romneys. back in 1962, when george romney was running for governor of michigan, i saw a very telling interview with a younger romney in 1962, she was saying that her husband was having trouble connecting with regular people, so, there you go, it's very familiar. >> ann romney came out this week trying to quiet some of these republican critics. >> stop it. this is hard. you want to try it? get in the ring. this is hard. it is time for all americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with mitt's qualifications and experience and know-how. >> do you think that the campaign has succeeded in quieting the critics? inside the party. >> i don't.
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i think it will continue. i think the romney campaign still believe they can win. they're going to have to learn to win. i have to say, the republicans that feel angst feel less today than four years ago this week, so they don't view this campaign as much as a calamity as they viewed the campaign that i was a part of the mccain/palin campaign. but they are deeply worried. ronald reagan believed that every hispanic voter was a republican. george w. bush got 44% of the hispanic vote. mccain dropped to somewhere in the 30s. romney is polling in the 20s. the structural concerns are legitimate. republicans aren't worried for no reason. but i think at this point, it's going to be a daily story line for the campaign to deal with. >> and, melody, two more unemployment reports have to come out between now and election day, at least some of the big national polls this is still a dead heat.
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going as david axelrod said, right down the wire. >> absolutely. as axe said in your segment earlier, everyone knew that this was going to be a close election. the economy has been in trouble for so long. but, at the same time, what we have seen in some of the polling and i don't live by week by week, day by day polling, and no one should, because it is over the long haul, but when you break open that polling, what you see is, people respond to the president because they believe he gets their concerns. he understands their daily lives. and also understand, we're holding even in this very, very bad economy. >> george, we have two unemployment reports coming up. on october 5th and one november 2nd. and we als have three presidential debates. anything can happen. it's still very close. romney's unfavorables are higher than his favorables.
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at this time in a presidential race, i can't remember a presidential candidate's unfavorables with this high. >> ann, i was talking about the polls in the big battleground states, they're going to determine this race. if you look at those eight states, in every single one of them, president obama is either ahead or right inside the margin of error. right now, mitt romney not ahead in a single one of those battleground states. that's not where they expected to be in september. >> well, i don't know what they expected. but, it's not very good for the incumbent that he can't beat 50%. you also have the media in war mode now. it's hard for romney to get his message out when it's nonstop bashing of romney, paraphrasing of what he said. misconstruing what he said. he releases his taxes last year yesterday and it turns out that he gave $4 million to charity.
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paid more -- and they're attacking him for not taking deductions. how can you win something like that? which is why i think that the debates are going to be very important. not because romney is such a fabulous orator but to the contrary, but for the first time americans will be able to see romney unfilter and i think it will make a big difference. >> what would you have him do, october 3rd, probably the biggest audience of the campaign, what would you have him do? >> be like you were in that florida debate, his best debate. very popular with hispanics in florida. >> you know, romney is a good debater and he's more experienced more recently than barack obama. go back to the 2008 election, the democratic primaries and remember that obama wasn't a great debater. he stumbled.
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but, look, i mean, the economy, the economy, the economy. i mean, if romney doesn't start talking about the economy and making that his centerpiece of his campaign -- >> he is. >> not social issues. >> he is. people don't see it. >> but he did get a fairly solid reception at the univision forum this week, and i want to show a little more of that. you also pressed president obama on his failures of immigration quite forcefully. >> a promise is a promise. and with all due respect, you didn't keep that promise. >> there's a thinking that the president is someone who's all powerful and can get everything done. we have to have cooperation from all of these sources in order to get something done. >> in that, you really tapped
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into, jorge, a lot of disappointment in the hispanic community with the performance by the president. deportations are up. yet, as nicolle was talking about, he maintains this huge lead within the latino community, how do you explain it? >> even though latinos care about jobs, education, immigration is a symbolic issue. it's personal for us. so, for president barack obama is supporting the dream act. but we -- i had to confront him. he broke a promise and i had to ask him about that. and also, he has deported more immigrants than any other president in the history of the united states. but, on the other hand, we have mitt romney who's supporting arizona, who's supporting these very strange ideas of self-deportation. governor romney is not for the dream act. i believe, not for students.
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and is the first republican candidate who doesn't support immigration reform. here, you have latinos having to decide between a president who broke a promise, but, on the other hand, they have a candidate who's probably been attacking latinos for a long time. >> well, i think you have to stick with economy. as you said, hispanic voters in this country care about the divisions. obama's failures on immigration reform predate his presidency. it was great disappointment when george w. bush, the last person to champion immigration reform. they were trying to get something done, barack obama was nowhere. he was not part of the solution. he wasn't part of the coalition trying to do comprehensive reform. so i think romney can make the case that's a promise broken. but i think that romney has to keep the broader message and try to drive that home. >> melody? >> i don't think that's
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consistent with the facts for a couple of reasons. one, i was at the white house, my staff was up on the hill working with republicans and democrats trying to craft a comprehensive reform act. and those negotiations broke down, and at the same time, as jorge said, we were driving forward with the dream act. but the reality is that, legislation is passed on the hill. the president gets to sign them into law. we have seen a dramatic shift from george w. bush, ronald reagan, spence abraham, republicans who work with democrats to move things forward. we didn't see a president breaking his party, we have seen a rap party that has broken its faith. >> ann coulter, you make a provocative comment in your book, you write that various groups, have commandeer the black civil rights experience. >> yes.
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>> what do you mean by that? >> yes. i'm glad that you asked that. i think what the way liberals have treated blacks like children and many of their policies have been harmful to blacks. we shouldn't -- there's the legacy of slavery and jim crowe laws. we don't own homeless. we don't own feminists. or gays who want to get married to one another. that's what civil rights has become for much of the left. >> immigrant rights aren't civil rights? >> no. i think civil rights are for blacks. >> this is essentially the problem. >> what have we done to the immigrants? we owe black people something. >> most of us, either immigrants or are the descendants of
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immigrants -- but we understand in this country, making so difficult for immigrants that they have to leave. or the dream act, you know, vetoing, threatening to veto the dream act, which romney has said, again and again, we have governor romney who is basically taking a position that's anti, the fastest growing segment of the population. >> if republicans are so far away from latinos they're going to lose not only this election, they might lose the white house for the future. >> that's why they're dropping blacks and moving on to the hispanics. jorge, i can't disagree with you when you're attacking president obama. but i think the point on immigration is you can open borders or a welfare state. you can't have both. when you have a big government
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giving out benefits for all sort of things, then you have to care very much who the immigrants are. >> exactly. >> both legal and illegal immigrants are way more likely to be on welfare than native-born americans. that's part of the problem. >> jorge, finish your point and then melody. >> they're here because we hire them. they pay taxes. they create jobs. they start new businesses. they do the jobs that no one else wants to do. that's why they're here. and thousands of companies are hiring them. >> surely you agree that a nation has to have control over who becomes a citizen of the nation? >> absolutely. >> and that kind of immigration reform of course republicans support. okay, but -- >> can i just say something? because, immigration reform is going to be a central issue for this country for the next 20 years, because the baby boomers are aging. we have an aging population.
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the only way we can improve the ratio of people who are working to retired, is by taking in more young immigrants. >> but the question is, which young immigrants? >> to go to both what jorge and robert we're saying, look at a period of time, it happened over the last six, ten years, where jurisdiction after jurisdiction were passing all of these anti-immigrant laws. one after another, they started to roll them back. we see this happening all over virginia for the very reasons bob mentioned. people understand that it just not reasonable or rational. it doesn't work for the economic growth of particular communities. one, and two, ann, you keep telling me, you're going to love my book. i'm struggling to understand that. i think you misunderstand the history of what happened to immigrants and the history of
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discrimination against immigrants in this country. something that my former boss, john kennedy. who worked with senator abraham, to prevent. to deal with the fact that we were trying to keep people from coming into this country that leads or build on the fact that we're a nation of immigrants. we're stronger because of our diversity. >> all nations are nations of immigrants. >> let's not the immediate history. ronald reagan and george w. bush, i think were more attractive to hispanic voters in a lot of ways. we shouldn't belittle the hispanic vote. it's like the women's vote. they don't all vote the same way. they are, you know, more than almost a third of the country. so this is a group of voters, that, just like the women vote, just like working, they're going to vote on a myriad of issues. >> and a republican governor, i thought that he created kind of a lesson for republicans.
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which is, don't position yourself so you're against the immigrants. >> that was absolutely false history. it was overturned by the court. it wasn't the people of california. it was at least 47% of hispanics in california voted for proposition 187. to deny welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. >> i want to talk about the senate real quickly. we heard reince priebus right now, six months ago, most people who followed senate races would say that republicans are going to take it over, right now, that's much more in question because of the resignation, the retirement of olympia snowe. and the todd akin. lot more are you paying attention to the scott brown race. >> partially, because i really like scott brown, i think he's a
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fighter. he's really bostonian. he has that accent and he's so sweet. he would be so popular. he has the horrible misfortune of running for re-election during a presidential election in massachusetts. one state that voted for george mcgovern in 1972. >> my old home state. i think scott brown's real problem is that he's walking -- you know, people like him in massachusetts. he's very likable. his favorabilities are very high. a scarlet "r" on. the coat tails. the negative coat tails of the romney campaign to me signify not just romney as the candidate, also this right-wing
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republicanism that's different from your father's republican party. people are saying i don't want that right-wing republicanism. >> you're looking for a republican pickup and a comeback for linda mcmahon. >> i love this campaign. very popular, strong woman. i love that she got up after losing two years ago, threw her money back in, and i think there is always something interesting that puts their money where their mouth is. and i live in the state. i see the ads. she's running a great campaign. this is a place where the republican message is about the economy. she's really running a pretty disciplined message campaign and it shows that when you can get the focus back on the economy you really can take it to the democrats. >> jorge ramos, almost certain republican win in texas? >> absolutely. it's a great race. he's 41. he has the support of the tea party. latinos are underrepresented. we only have two.
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some interesting, most latinos tend to vote democrat. but latinos have elected lately all conservative republicans. marco rubio. >> that's going to change, over the next cycle, a whole generation of democratic. >> quickly around the table. quick prediction, who's going to control the senate in january 2013? >> democrats. >> republicans. >> democrats, of course. >> i have no idea. >> very close. >> and i don't know. >> i agree. it's wide open. a little bit more money on democrats over republicans. but not much. we'll back in 60 seconds. some emmy predictions coming up. , producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america
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weighed in. mitt romney's favorite show is "modern family." president obama likes "modern family," but also a big "homeland" show. i want to get everyone else's takes. who do you like? >> i have to root for sarah paulson. she was in "game change." >> she played you? >> she did. >> there she is right there. >> she's up for best supporting actress. >> yes. >> julianne moore for sarah palin. >> right, right. >> how about your favorite show? >> "homeland." >> all of the political fans like "homeland chl" >> not only is obama a "homeland" fan. i got to tell you, claire danes is extraordinary. she's going to win. >> you would think that president obama would like a little bit of relief from the stress of his job. who are you watching? >> i have seen none of these shows. because i'm busy watching the
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children's house on msnbc. i think it's going to be "breaking bad." >> thank you. >> self-promotion. jorge? >> i love the newsroom. it's a great show. i really like it. i really do. for the emmys, i think "the colbert report". should do great. i really like that kind of humor in politics. and "curb your enthusiasm." >> colbert would be knocking off jon stewart. >> but he has us all confused. we don't know if he's republican, democrat or independent. >> i know. we're pretty close. >> claire danes, i fell in love with "homeland." when i left the white house, i was watching five episodes in a row on demand. i was staying up until 1:00 in the morning. and i love don cheadle as marty in "house of lies."
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it's a train wreck. it's so compelling. it's fascinating tv. >> jon hamm finally deserve an emmy. >> the show has won so many years in a row. >> he's never won one. >> george? >> i'm still a big "modern family" fan. i think they're going to get a lot of awards. but i'm going to disagree with you a little, i think jimmy kimmel breaks through and beats colbert. >> i agree with you. >> i think it's his year. after all, he's the host, it would be a nice benefit. we'll see how he handles it all if he doesn't get it. catch the emmys on abc starting at 7:00 eastern time. thanks to our roundtable, the conversation will continue online. secretary reich and ann coulter are going to answer your questions on twitter. can't wait for that. and now -- three moments from this week in
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history. what year was it? president reagan shot. >> he was wounded. >> the president was hit. the shuttle has cleared the tower. >> the space shuttle launched for the first time. from abc news -- >> and so did "this week." >> we have a new sunday program for you, we'll look at what's been happening, what's happening now and what we can see happening next week? >> was it 1981, 1982 or 1983? we'll be right back with the answer. ♪ [ male announcer ] navigating your future can be daunting without a financial plan. at pacific life, we can give you the tools to help you achieve financial independence.
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can't wait for that. but now, what year was it? when did the space shuttle and "this week" take off? 31 years ago, 1981. you can see that first broadcast of "this week" on our website. abc now, we honor our fellow americans who serve and sacrifice. this week, the pentagon released the names of seven soldiers killed in afghanistan. released the names of seven soldiers killed in afghanistan. and finally, "your voice this week," today's question
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comes from marla kittle, who wants to know if i read for pleasure. if so, what are your two favorites? of course, i do, marl ya. between work and reading to my kids, i don't have much time to kick back. but right now, i'm reading a great book of short stories. i'm also looking forward to cracking my friend jake tapper's upclose look at one of the most dramatic battles in afghanistan. it's called outpost and it's out in november. ask me questions all week long on twitter. that's all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news" with david muir tonight and i'll see you tomorrow on "good morning america."
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>> in the news this sunday morning, september 23rd, a criminal investigation of chevron's richmond refinery is reportedly underway by federal authorities. >> and giants fever. the team clinches the n.l. west with a win over the padres. now the giants can focus on the playoffs, just two weeks away. >> our first full day of fall. but plenty of fog invading the coastline l it impact our temperatures?